Costs and Key Steps

Costs Summary

There was extensive research and work done on the cost of the Redevelopment of Harwell Village Hall by the RPA Architects Ltd., supported by local surveyor, Andrew Snowdon of CTG Surveyors.

The order of work of the project was phased into two main steps with Step 1 to build the new extension and prepare utilities and services for that and the main hall and Step 2 to refurbish the main hall and link it operationally to the Main Hall.

The phased order of work approach enabled the hall to continue to run during the works and reduces the loss of regular customers (groups, clubs, classes, etc.).

The following figures outline the costs and contingencies:

Demolition of Freeman Hall £15,998
Build New Extension – Orchard Hall £747,314
Trees & Shrubs £6,351
Refurbish Main Hall – Cherry Hall £109,510
Contractors Preliminaries £58,558
Contingency Fund £85,400
Sub-total (A) £1,023,131
VAT payable £204,626
VAT Refund from Parish Council £74,777
Net VAT (B) £129,849
Total Cost of Works (A + B) £1,152,980
Professional Fees £97,110
Capital Items £78,539*
GRAND TOTAL £1,328,629

*(includes retractable seating, curtains, AV equipment, etc.)

Key Steps

A simple summary of the progress of major project milestones is as follows:

Colour Key:
Green – complete
Amber – In progress
Red – Not started

NB Whilst funds were raised to complete the build, this was achieved, in part, by securing a loan for £350,000 from the Charity Bank which must now be repaid at the earliest opportunity.

This will be achieved through additional Section 106 monies, due later in 2017, by applying for more grants – specifically to cover the remaining capital items – holding fund raising events and (hopefully) through the very generous donations of villagers, local philanthropists and user groups, for which we are extremely thankful.

Please keep an eye on our Events page to see what’s coming next and how you can help!  Details of how to donate are here.

A venue for all in Harwell, Oxfordshire